
Showing posts from January, 2021

Hospital UV Light Disinfection: Many Uses with Big Benefits

  Most of us know that UV light can kill viruses and bacteria with germicidal properties, but do you know how it works and the many benefits of hospital UV light disinfection? Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation emitted in various wavelengths, either UVA, UVB or UVC, with short-wave UVC having the most powerful, germ-killing properties. UVC light emitted at 254 nanometer (nm) is proven to destroy harmful pathogens and microorganisms with high efficacy. Disinfection in hospitals has always been of great concern, although recent events with hospitals across the country reaching near capacity makes cleanliness and disinfection even more important. Hospital acquired infections (HAIs) are infections that occur within 48 hours of hospital admission, within three days after discharge or up to 30 days following an operation. The Center for Disease Control, CDC, estimates that 1 in 31 patients in U.S. hospitals contract an HAI, many caused by serious antibiotic resist...