Can You Use UVC Air Purifiers for COVID-19?
As we are getting more knowledgeable about covid-19, we are better able to reduce its transmission. If you want to keep this virus at arm's length, you can use sanitizers, face masks, and social distancing. Apart from this, you can also use other methods, such as UVC light or UVC air purifiers. In this article, we are going to find out more about UVC air purifiers . Read on to find out more. What Is a UVC Air Purifier? Although most people are familiar with ultraviolet light , many don't have any idea about its application. As far as the wavelength is concerned, UVC light has the shortest wavelength, which is between 100 and 280nm. Therefore, this type of light can be used to eliminate germs. What happens is that this light can be used to disrupt the chemical composition of DNA molecules. Therefore, it can be quite effective when it comes to eliminating viruses and bacteria. For a long time, UVC has been used to kill different types of viruses, su...